Obituaries & Condolences

Don Alex Troeger 1948-2022

Don Troeger was born to Henry and Lorena Troeger in Suffern, NY on February 6, 1948. He grew up in Ramsey, New Jersey and Cooperstown, NY. He learned to play the piano as a youngster and enjoyed that activity for the rest of his life. Wherever he lived, Don loved to play classical pieces, including Largo by George Frederic Handel, Ave Maria by Franz Schubert and anything by J.S. Bach. He also loved to play hymns, including "Be Still My Soul," "For the Beauty of the Earth" and "A Mighty Fortress is Our God."

Don served four years in the Air Force based primarily in Berlin, Germany. He learned the Russian language and, for much of his time there, worked intercepting transmissions from pilots flying Russian aircraft in and out of the city. He was honorably discharged in 1972. As a result of this experience, he enjoyed a lifelong love of Russian history and culture.

Diagnosed with severe and permanent mental illness in his 20's, Don courageously lived a life of service to others. He played the piano for many church groups. He played hymns for worship services at the various hospitals where he was treated for his illness. He spent many years as a volunteer with the Rain Forest Action Network, winning an award as Volunteer of the Year.

Don also took a keen interest in Buddhism and travelled to India twice for lengthy visits with a guru there. The ideas and practices he acquired as a result of these experiences gave him a sense of peace.


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Gerry Miner Welch
Cooperstown NY  

People with depth are oft times hard to see for the simple reason they are so deep. 


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